In this day and age, we have been given a bunch means of communication. We have covered face to face interviews, as well as telephone, but there is one more important mean of which we at Abroad Experience use frequently: online interviews (teams, zoom…).
This is just as important as a regular old telephone or face to face interview, and you can face many more technical issues with this method. Here are our tips to preparing and handling the worst case scenarios.
1. Technical Difficulties and online interviews: Please Stand By
Visual and audio issues occur during online interviews for various reasons, perhaps your internet is too slow, the device you are using is outdated, or you’ve spilt water on it, resulting in internal damages- it happens to the best of us.
But with this in mind, you need to try to find another alternative so that your conversation will go fluidly. If you’re able to, borrow a friend’s device, or find an accessory that could help the quality i.e. an external webcam or headphones with a microphone.
2. Setting the scene like Anderson

Close your windows to block out any noise! Those cars driving by and road works will pierce the ears of your interviewer and become a huge distraction. Remember that what is behind you is visible as well, so that psychedelic poster that is up for interpretation is really cool, but it’s not appropriate for online interviews. If you can, create a background with a plant and some books for a little Skype Feng Shui. Also, avoid speaking in an empty room, as the echo will affect sound quality.
3. Lights, Camera, Action!

Good lighting is everything during online interviews, how else do you think the Kardashians take the best headshots? Take it from the selfie Goddesses- the natural daylight is best, try sitting in front of a window but if it’s too bright, flatten it with a window shade to avoid overexposure, and make sure you’re facing the window and not have it behind you, the backlight is a crime in this occasion.
If you’re being interviewed in the evening, have a soft light pointing towards the top of your head, rather than under your chin (the ghost stories effect), too much pointed to one side (the phantom of the opera) or directly above you (alien abduction).
The camera of your choice should be at eye height in order to get the effect that you’re there in the room with your interviewer. Place your laptop/desktop/tablet/mobile phone on a stand to get the correct height. You don’t want the interviewer peering deep into your nostrils, nor see the pyjama bottoms your wearing under the blazer and blouse… which brings us to our fourth and final tip.
4. Business on the top, party on the bottom (if you wanna)
You need to be presentable, get your best suit on and wear your nicest blouse, wear that watch you love so much and the accessories you know your interviewer will see. As for your bottoms, well, that’s your choice, but keep our third tip in mind if you don’t plan on fully dressing as you are on Wall Street.
5. Always Rehearse
Avoid going to an interview without checking first if everything is functioning correctly. Ask a friend to video chat with you before the interview and check what appears on your Camera so you can hide undesirable objects. Make sure that there isn’t a mirror behind showing that you are not wearing professional bottoms. Check that the audio is clear, you can be heard correctly and that your headset is well connected.
The little details makes all of the difference.
For more detailed information look at our other blogs on interview tips and tricks, internships and how to present yourself on social media…
Abroad Experience International Recruitment wishes you the best of luck for your next intake interview!
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