While working for Abroad Experience, if you do become sick during your contract as a temporary employer, we ask you to keep the following steps in mind:
- Inform your Hirer (your Manager) before 10.00 on the day of your illness and explain your current situation.
- Inform Abroad Experience after you spoke to your manager and also let us know that you have been in contact with your manager already.
- When you are back at work, please also inform Abroad Experience of this so we can update our records.
When you do become ill there are some conditions that are stated by the CAO (Collective Labor Agreement) that Abroad Experience follows:
- When falling sick you will not receive payment until the 3rd day of sick leave, as the first 2 days are waiting days. To compensate for these 2 waiting days you are entitled to a paid percentage (0.71% – waiting day compensation) with every 4-week payment period. This means every 4 weeks you will receive the waiting day compensation paid out with your salary.
- When Abroad Experience registers you as sick to the UWV (Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen, English: Employee Insurance Agency), the assignment that has been signed will come to an end. When you are able to return to work, and the hiring manager has agreed to this, a new assignment will be signed between you and Abroad Experience.
Other useful links:
- Applying for sickness benefits: https://www.government.nl/topics/sickness-benefit/receiving-sickness-benefit