GDPR and transparency at Abroad Experience

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR – AVG in Dutch) is the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years. We all received many emails last year, telling us about this new law and that companies couldn’t keep our data anymore without our consent. At Abroad Experience things also changed a bit and we’re going to tell you how. Read more →

How to manage career and parents’ life in the Netherlands?

Photo by August de Richelieu

Building a family is always something that drastically changes your life, not only on the personal side but also on the professional one. It can be challenging sometimes to understand all your rights as an employee and future parent. So, if you are a mother or father to be in the Netherlands, you might want to know career and parents’ life in the Netherlands, what are your maternity or paternity rights, when to tell your employer about it and even the impact a baby can have on your career. Read more →

5 Free CV templates

CV templates
Photo by Lukas

 We decided to lend you a hand, and offer these very simple,  but effective free CV templates. We know how tough it can be to whip up a good-looking CV, you want to stand out but don’t really feel like spending too much time on it. All you need to do is pick the one that suits your personality best and jot in your personal information.

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Top 5 best cities to work in the Netherlands

Photo by Chait Goli

According to  OECD Better Life Index, the Netherlands had Europe’s best work-life balance in 2018. 93% of the population were happy about the combination of their time spent at work and their private life which is a good reason for foreign people to look for the best cities to live and work in the Netherlands.

The Dutch work market covers many sectors, so mostly, everyone can find a job in their field depending on the cities. Moreover, more and more international companies (American ones usually) create their European headquarters in the Netherlands to support their European market.

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