We decided to lend you a hand, and offer these very simple, but effective free CV templates. We know how tough it can be to whip up a good-looking CV, you want to stand out but don’t really feel like spending too much time on it. All you need to do is pick the one that suits your personality best and jot in your personal information.
Try to think like a recruiter
Did you know, most HR and Recruiters prefer to receive CVs in word format over PDF? It’s more convenient for them to extract information digitally. Get on their good side quickly by using one of these five templates. Change the colour schemes, or add the skills and information you wish to share, we did the formatting and made sure that the most important information is being shared, the rest is up to you!
We would suggest staying with bullet points when stating your experience within a role. A whole block of text can be tiring to the reader’s eyes and clutters your CV. Mention the most important tasks and responsibilities you had, and match them with the role you are applying for. You will be able to elaborate later when you have an interview.
Remember to present your work experiences starting with the most recent and interesting one and finishing with the oldest one. It is important that the position that matches best the job you apply for appears first. So the recruiter can determine right away if you have the necessary skills to occupy the role.
Where to find CV templates
Another free tool to create good-looking CV templates is an app, which simply extracts the information on your LinkedIn profile, and converts that information into gorgeous template designs. It’s called the LinkedIn Resume Builder by VisualCV.com, all you got to do is sign into your LinkedIn account, choose a template, and add whatever information you think is needed. It’s extremely easy to use and is bound to make recruiters/HR give your profile the attention it deserves.
Download template 1 Download template 2 Download template 3 Download template 4 Download template 5
Canva is another nice free tool to use as well, they offer CV templates that are very easy to modify and adapt to your liking.
Information to share: Dos and Don’ts
Your contact details and place of living are key pieces of information which many seem to forget to add to their CV. Things like your date of birth, your nationality, your BSN, full address, and civil status aren’t necessary in most cases and even more after the GDPR law that appeared in Europe in 2018. Leave the space for more relevant and important information. Even if the full address is not necessary mentioning your town is still very important to allow the recruiter to perceive the distance between your home and the workplace.
What do you think of these free CV templates? We hope they give you a little inspiration, and the opportunity to focus more on other important details!
Abroad Experience International Recruitment wishes you the best of luck in your CV enhancement quest!
Abroad Experience BV is an international recruitment agency which offers unique career opportunities to multilingual job seekers. See our vacancies.