There is no set formula to finding the perfect company to work for; as individuals, we all have different values, ambitions, ideas- just like every business. Before making a decision that will effect your day to day life for the coming years, you will need to invest time in researching a company to determine compatibility. If you have doubts or want to know more, here are some sources to find what you need to know.
Does the Size/Hierarchy/Growth Potential match your ambition
Social media was made for snooping, so take advantage of LinkedIn and check out the profiles of past and/or current employees of the company you are interested in. You will find their career progress over the last few years. Have they stayed in the same position for a while? Has the person stayed in the same position for a long while? After having a look at several profiles, you will find a pattern which indicates the likely opportunity for growth within the company.
Do their reason to Exist/Values/Causes match yours?
On the front page of any company website, there will be a paragraph that states what their products/services are. That’s obviously the quickest way to understand why they’re around, but you will need to go deeper to find their true values. The larger the company, the more publications there are about them. Dig out the best and the worst news you can find. Is there anything you can relate to/agree with? Mentioning the news found during research will be a great conversation starter during an interview.
Do their Culture/Team match your personality?
As mentioned before, social media is a fantastic way to get information. Through the company’s channels, you can find out more about their culture. Are there many photo’s of the team? What and how do they celebrate small/ big wins? Do they go out for drinks on Fridays? Do they pull pranks like Dwight and Jim?