Social media has become one of the most powerful tools for recruiters and job seekers. The importance of being “out there” is so crucial that those who don’t build a strong social media profile may fall behind. Companies are using social media to recruit talent but also to find extra information about them.
Which Social Media platforms can I use?
There are many different social media platforms. However, at a professional level, we believe that you should work on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin. For marketing professionals and graphic designers, you may consider using extra platforms like Pinterest,… And if you are in Germany or in the Netherlands, Xing is essential to accomplish your objective!
Below we will explain what we think is the most important when creating a social media profile to get the best out of it.
Using Keywords:
Use relevant keywords to define your skills and make the search easier for recruiters. A good set of keywords will boost your possibilities of being found and maybe hired! Especially on LinkedIn make sure you complete the “skills” part of your profile as they are the keywords that will help recruiters look for you!
Branding yourself:
Create your own personal branding, use the same style in all your social media accounts, create relevant content in the areas you are an expert at and distinguish yourself from others. Make use of professional pictures on your portrait photo and exclude your personal activities from your non-private accounts.
Developing your profile:
This is especially important on Linkedin. Describe all your working experiences, link them to your companies, and add pictures and links. Also include some interests and hobbies in order to show a bit of your personality.
Interacting with your connections:
Like, share and comment on what others write and also contribute with your own articles. It is useless to have more than 500 connections if you know none of them!
Updating regularly:
Update your status with meaningful titles as this is the best way to create a strong network and to be up-to-date in your field. Try to be active on social media and you will be ranked at the top of the search engine. It is advisable that the updates are based on quality and relevance.
Minimizing discrepancies:
Make sure that your profiles look the same as your CV. Check your dates, job titles, duties and employers. If you can, try to explain any gap between employment or leave it for the interview.
Joining groups:
On Linkedin, Google+, Xing and Facebook, you have the chance to join different groups. It is a good opportunity for you to show your expertise and increase the number of connections in your field.
Being public:
Make sure, checking your privacy settings, that you are open to receiving new connection requests or inmails (on Linkedin), and that you are also visible on Google.
Linking accounts:
Link all your accounts in order to be more visible and easy to find. It is also interesting to add your social media profiles to your signature in your email.
We personally recommend candidates to create professional profiles instead of having just one profile for everything. It is important to look professional on the internet as companies tend to do intensive research when they receive an application or want to hire someone.
Speaking of social media, if you are not yet following us on our social media channels, we’d like to encourage you to do so.
We are very active on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram and Youtube. Be the first to know about the newest vacancies, trends in the Dutch market, application & interview tips, as well as information sessions.
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