If you are older than 21 years old and you have worked for over 26 weeks on an Abroad Experience contract, you are entitled to build up a pension fund. Abroad Experience, as a recruitment agency, offers it to its employees via StiPP (Stichting Pensionfonds voor Personeeldiensten). On a monthly basis, we send information to StiPP concerning the salary earned and the amount of hours worked by all temporary employees entitled to pension and we are then invoiced by StiPP based on that information.
Abroad Experience – Pension
You will automatically be signed up for StiPP by Abroad Experience after 26 worked weeks. There might be a delay in receiving the confirmation from StiPP, however. Let’s say that you complete your 26th worked week in the beginning of March. Abroad Experience will report the March salaries before the end of April, so it might take until April/May until you receive information from StiPP.
When you first enter the StiPP pension fund, you will enter the Basisregeling. After 52 weeks in the Basisregeling, you will enter the Plusregeling. In the Plusregeling, a small contribution will be deducted from your salary. Please find attached two files from StiPP that will give you a brief overview of the pension plan.
StiPP_brochure-Basisregeling-2015 (English)
StiPP – brochure-Plusregeling-2015- (English)
More information is to be found on the StiPP website (www.stippensioen.nl).
Abroad Experience International Recruitment wishes you the best of luck in your new Dutch life!
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