You may notice when you go through our vacancies that they don’t mention the name of the company. In order to find out, you need to apply once you’ve been accepted for an interview with the company. Along with the name of the company, our recruiters give you an insight into the company’s values, which questions may be asked during the interview and the character of the interviewer. Nevertheless, there are still some items that you should get to know yourself when preparing to go into the interview.
Describe the core business
You should be able to describe the core business of the company. What is their product, who are their customers and what is their purpose? If applicable, it should become clear on their website, social media and review sites. It’s also very important to know who the company’s competitors are and what makes your potential employer unique compared to their competitors.
Company culture
The company culture is also very important for you to know, through the culture you can decide already for yourself whether you’re a good fit or not. Is it a corporate culture which requires a perfectly pressed suit, or a more casual setting? Do they focus on the relationships and team or do they only mention goals and numbers? This will be useful information when it comes to your presenting yourself to the interviewer through your choice of outfit and personality.
Keep an open mind
Though looking at websites like GlassDoor can be helpful; in getting to know a company through the eyes of peers, it can taint your view of the company before you even get the chance to step into the building. Reviews vary according to the person who worked for the company and what their situation was during their time working there. Keep an open mind and see for yourself what vibes the interviewer is sending out about the company.
Research is a great way to show motivation
Through your research, you will show interest in the company, which will look great to the interviewer. There have been cases when the question of what the colour of their website is came up, details are everything in this competitive market so invest some time in getting to know your potential employer. It’s also a good idea to check out who will be interviewing you via LinkedIn, gets to know their background and look at their photo so you will know who to look out for while you wait for them in the lobby.
We know these companies like the back of our hands, we’ve been working with most of them for many years. So we know them quite well and what their expectations are, so if you can’t figure out exactly what you want to know about them via their website, you are always welcome to call your recruiter and ask them any questions you have.
Abroad Experience International Recruitment wishes you the best of luck with your next interview!
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