You will receive a salary slip for each 4 week payment period. The salary slip will be sent to your private e-mail address and will provide the following information:
- The salary earned
- The gross hourly salary
- The number of hours worked
- The tax deductions made from the salary
- Travel allowance
- Reserves (additional income) that the Temporary Employee has accumulated in the preceding period and the total accumulated (extra) reserves that have not yet been used.
The salary slip is in Dutch, so when you receive your first salary payment, you may have questions about the payment, reservations earned, travel expenses, etc. Please do not hesitate to contact Abroad Experience if you have specific queries in regard to your payment or the translation of the salary slip. This will also be thoroughly discussed during the contract signing but, as you will receive a lot of information during the contract signing, it’s not always easy to remember all information given.
Abroad Experience International Recruitment wishes you the best of luck with your new job!
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