‘What’s missing in my career and what can I do to make it more fulfilling?’ Workshop with interactive exercises

Registration form: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUqfuqtrjorGdRZ7ez6rY96ubY8hGKUY3-u Did you ever take the time to become aware of what’s going well in your career and what’s missing in it? Are you feeling fulfilled in your career or is it a struggle to get out of bed every morning because your job is not in line with your purpose and passions?  […]


5 top tips and action steps how to make a good impression in a job interview

Registration form: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUrdeGgpjkqGNa21uslzJahxXoz-UNhljac We all know how challenging a job interview can be…and it can feel even more challenging when we’re applying to jobs in a new home country and/or during a global pandemic!  Maybe you haven’t had the chance yet to attend a job interview in the Netherlands or you are still quite new […]


Virtual Coffee Chat about recruitment agency (Question & Answer Session)

Registration form: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIrcuqtrjkqHNcfB1s1swTiochJpCfa-I4k Hi there, international jobseeker in the Netherlands! Are you about to move to the Netherlands or have you recently moved here? Or have you been here for a while and find it challenging to search for job opportunities? Let’s have a (virtual) chat! Bring your coffee & tea, get your laptop ready […]


Writing a Powerful CV to be noticed by hiring managers

Registration form: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArc-6uqTwjGdRdc4u3vpl68UiR5O7NGrfb In this workshop, you will have the chance to receive powerful insider tips from a career coach who has worked many years as a recruiter for the Dutch job market and has reviewed hundreds of CVs every day! Discover: What it takes to stand out and to land on the “YES” pile […]